All proceeds benefit the local families and veterans we help through affordable housing.

Thank you for your support of our 2024 Raise the Roof Live and Silent Auctions to celebrate our 40th anniversary helping local families and veterans to live in a safe and affordable home. We raised over $163,000 to support our mission to build homes, improve communities and provide hope. Our heartfelt thanks go out to all our generous supporters! So many more local families will experience the joy and peace of living in a safe and affordable home because of you!


Our special honoree this year has generously supported our mission to build homes, communities, and hope. The TJX Companies, Inc., our Premium Sponsor, will be presented with our highest and most significant award, the Golden Hammer award.  It is presented to an individual or company that has supported us through their time, talent, and/or treasure. The TJX Companies have been extremely supportive in all three categories and embodies the spirit of a company that gives back to those who need assistance in their community. They support us through funding, and their enthusiastic teams volunteer at our affordable home build sites, as well as in our Operation Playhouse program. We are so pleased to honor this exceptional company and community partner whose values so strongly align with ours.

Today, many brands fall underneath the successful and international TJX Companies umbrella, but their first stores were opened right here in Auburn and Worcester in1977, and their headquarters reside in our service area in Framingham. We thank the TJX Companies for their support, and salute them as our Golden Hammer Honoree.


Presented to Henry (Hank) J. Rauch

Hank Rauch 2004

We salute Hank’s outstanding dedication, support, and long-term service on behalf of our mission to build homes, communities, and hope. Congratulations to Hank on being the inspiration for and receiving the first Spirit of Service award! Read more about Hank’s lengthy service and the Spirit of Service award.


Thank you to our Premium Sponsor!

Thank you to our Silver Hammer Sponsors!

Thank you to our Foundation Builder Sponsors!

Thank you to our Master Craftsman Sponsors!

Thank you to our Apprentice Sponsors!

Thank you to our Table Sponsors!

With Special Support from

We’ve made a difference, and we welcome you to help us celebrate at our Raise the Roof Auction and Gala! Since 1985:

  Over 60 local families have built strength, stability, and self-reliance through living in an affordable and decent home.
  Over 50 local families are safer and more secure made possible through our Home Repair program.
And over 500 veterans who have sacrificed so much for our us have been presented with free playhouses for their children.

 All proceeds from the Live and Silent Auctions benefit our mission to build homes, communities, and hope.
Help us achieve another 40 years of service to local families and veterans who need a safe and affordable home!


Raise The Roof Infographic Revs

To sponsor, donate, or for more information about our 2024 Raise the Roof Live Auction, please contact Deborah Huegel, Vice President of Philanthropy at:

Stay Tuned! Our ONLINE SILENT AUCTION will be held December 2nd—9th. Just in time for holiday shopping!


When you bid, you help us to build safe and affordable homes for more local families and veterans.

One hundred percent of the funds we raise at the auction benefit the local families and veterans we serve through affordable housing.